Edmonton’s Food Bank provides nutritious food to 88 schools on a regular basis, as part of our School S.N.A.C.K. Program. We are committed to providing a variety of healthy foods for children, and so we target-purchase snacks that are found on Alberta Health Services' single serving list, in accordance with Alberta Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Youth. These items are low sodium, and have no added sugar, and include include shelf stable milk, peanut butter, and fruit snacks.
Schools with proper cooking facilities are also allowed to take eggs, frozen meats, and other meal items to prepare for breakfast and lunch programs, or for cooking classes.
"Thank you for the yummy fruit and granola bars. I ate it all and then played in the park and then played in the field and then went home."
Logan, 6 years old
After The Bell Program

The 2021 After the Bell pack!
In order to help address the important issue of child hunger in Edmonton, we take part in the After the Bell program developed by Food Banks Canada. After the Bell is a partnership between Food Banks Canada and food industry companies (including McCormick Canada, Loblaws Companies Ltd., Kellogg Canada Inc., and others) to help ensure that fresh, healthy food is available to vulnerable youth throughout the summer, when school meal and snack programs are not running.
Food Banks Canada provides us with healthy food packs that contain nutritious, child-friendly food, including cereals, crackers, and shelf-stable milk. These packs are then supplemented with fresh fruit and vegetables that we purchase with funds from the program. We distribute this food throughout July and August to some of our youth-focused agency partners that have summer programming for children.

Every week we included loads of fresh fruit with the healthy food packs!
In 2020, we gave out 7,200 packs over eight weeks, and purchased over $18,000 worth of fresh fruit and vegetables! Fast forward to 2023, the program helps provide 7,280 packs in Edmonton with $21,000 to purchase fresh food for the packs! What an amazing gift for our families. We're happy to be taking part again in 2024!

A big thanks to the sponsors of After the Bell 2023!